White House Scandals Going Downhill

I realize people have been dying to take down the wildly unlikeable Karl Rove, but let's consider the extent of this horrendous crime, the much ballyhooed Rove leak (no, it's not "worse than Watergate," Mr. Frank Rich).
1B. As we now know, Mr. Wilson's findings in Niger were absolutely correct. His report, however, did not convince the CIA, and as such, never reached the Vice President.
2. Wilson claims during his subsequent book tour that he was dispatched to Niger by the Office of the Vice President. The administration quickly rebuts this claim.
3. Time magazine Reporter Matthew Cooper, writing a story about Wilson's Niger trip, queries Karl Rove on this point and is informed that Mr. Wilson's trip had not been planned or arranged by the administration, but simply by Wilson's "wife, who apparently works at the CIA."
(OH DEAR GOD, NOOOO!!! I'm moving to Canada!!)

The real weasel here is Bob Novak, who got his hands on the same information as Cooper and ran a story dropping that Wilson's "wife, Valerie Plame, is an Agency operative on weapons of mass destruction."
Novak achieved his point of refuting Wilson's "Cheney-sent-me-to-Africa" claim, but committed a cardinal sin in exposing a clandestine intelligence operative. The greatest question in this whole debacle is why two other reporters who followed his story were ordered to jail while he sits back in his chair and smiles. Why isn't anyone calling for his job?
Today's Washington Post editorial cuts this "scandal" down to size more clearly and succinctly than I did above. It's a very helpful read (July 15).
John Tierney also helps set the record straight, dubbing this flacid scandal "Nadagate" (July 16).
It has now been reported that Rove learned Plame's identity from Novak (July 15).
At 4:37 PM ,
Will said...
I also don't understand why Woodward hasn't come under more heat for NAMING Valerie Plame. But don't downplay the Rove involvement Luke, we need this one.
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