Americans Rally to Save Actresses
A swelling grassroots movement is quickly gaining steam in hopes of freeing Katie Holmes from Tom Cruise. Wha
t started as a funny t-shirt has now spawned two websites ( and which have gained national exposure. Those close to the actress are worried by her starry-eyed embrace of Scientology, and her restriction from communicate with anyone without Scientology-appointed handlers hovering. Evidence of both from a recent interview (CNN):
Holmes, who co-stars in "Batman Begins," has said she's taking lessons in Cruise's faith of Scientology. "I'm learning to celebrate my own spirit, my own being," she says.
During the W interview, the actress wouldn't part from Jessica Rodriguez, who is described as her "Scientologist chaperone." Rodriguez's role in Holmes' life remains vague, though Rodriguez says they're "just best friends" since meeting around the time Holmes met Cruise.
"You adore him," Rodriguez told Holmes when the actress was at a loss for words to describe her love.
Yikes. The saving celebrities grassroots spirit has also picked up a less grave, but equally important case--restoring weight (and can we add freckles?) to Lindsay Lohan.

Yes the folks at have now gathered over 12,500 signatures urging the actress "to please pick up a sandwich and eat it, or ice cream, or any food that might put those oh-so-cute pounds back on.'' Like the Free Katie campaign it has spawned a myriad of t-shirts, stickers, and knock-off websites.
Please continue to keep your fingers crossed for a single Katie and a curvy Lindsay, and in the meantime follow the links and buy a funny shirt.

Holmes, who co-stars in "Batman Begins," has said she's taking lessons in Cruise's faith of Scientology. "I'm learning to celebrate my own spirit, my own being," she says.
During the W interview, the actress wouldn't part from Jessica Rodriguez, who is described as her "Scientologist chaperone." Rodriguez's role in Holmes' life remains vague, though Rodriguez says they're "just best friends" since meeting around the time Holmes met Cruise.
"You adore him," Rodriguez told Holmes when the actress was at a loss for words to describe her love.
Yikes. The saving celebrities grassroots spirit has also picked up a less grave, but equally important case--restoring weight (and can we add freckles?) to Lindsay Lohan.

Yes the folks at have now gathered over 12,500 signatures urging the actress "to please pick up a sandwich and eat it, or ice cream, or any food that might put those oh-so-cute pounds back on.'' Like the Free Katie campaign it has spawned a myriad of t-shirts, stickers, and knock-off websites.
Please continue to keep your fingers crossed for a single Katie and a curvy Lindsay, and in the meantime follow the links and buy a funny shirt.
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