Russian President Offers Feline Excuse for Pedophilic Kiss

And that is why the voting public in Russia hasn't quite gotten past Vladimir Putin's decision last week to steal a belly-kiss from a 5 year-old.
(See this bizarre incident on video.)
I'm not sure what would happen if a U.S. President was filmed doing this. I'm quite certain that the public affairs team wouldn't let him offer the kind of explanation Putin did today:
"He seemed to me very independent, sure of himself and at the same time defenseless so to speak, an innocent boy and a very nice little

Oh ok, that makes sense. He was cute and defenseless, so you just had to touch him like a housepet... wait WHAT!?!? Is this ok? Is Russia comfortable being led by a man who wants to touch boys like kittens? I don't think anyone's accurately capturing how unfathomably weird this whole thing is!
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