The Loosh Spot

"All you have in life is your truth." -Britney Spears

March 18, 2005

As Dollar Weakens, So Does Will to Balance Budget

Our rapidly growing national debt is not only a financial problem, it will affect virtually every phase of our quality of life. As Thomas Freidman demonstrates ably here, it even affects our strength in foreign policy. But as we continue to cripple our dollar and our economy, our lawmakers are headed in the wrong direction. Many have bemoaned the "defecits don't matter" Bush Republican's, but few thought the Senate would soar even beyond the conflicted fiscal goals of the White House. But it happened. As the Times reports today:
In a surprise move, the Senate also voted to approve a total of $134 billion in tax cuts, $34 billion more than President Bush requested and $64 billion more than the Senate Republican leadership had initially proposed.

Oh Lord. Tax cuts are lovely when you're not spiralling wildly into debt, but unless your tax cuts will mean a HUGE check back (i.e. Lindsey) they're not gonna help cause Extra Value Meals are gonna be $10 in five years with what's happening to the dollar. This is a little too South American for my tastes.


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