The Loosh Spot

"All you have in life is your truth." -Britney Spears

February 01, 2005

Somewhere, John Edwards is Smiling

Add one more to the list of outrageous jury awards. The plaintiff, whose photograph had been used in Taster's Choice coffee ads for years without his knowledge, has been awarded $15.6 million for his anguish. What do I love most about this? He was initially asking for $8.5 million, which Taster's Choice rightly refused-- the jury just decided it would be fun to double it. And why not? It's a big huge corporation, and he's the little guy. Attractive, and holding a cup of coffee. The best part of all is just this guy himself. Former model, now bay-area kindergarten teacher. His quote at the end is pure Northern California: "I don't buy Taster's Choice. I do beans."

I do beans?


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